DEHT is also not considered as toxic for reproduction and no alert was found on potential endocrine disruption properties of the substance. It is worth to point out that:
- In January 2008 the scientific panel on AFC from EFSA evaluated the safety of DEHT. Based on EFSA opinion, the substance was then authorized to be used in food contact materials (regulation (UE) no 10/2011),
- DEHT is not listed among the banned phthalates reported in the directives 1999/815/CEE and 2005/84 related to toys,
- DEHT is not listed among the banned substances in accordance with Annex I to Council Directive 67/548/EEC related to medical devices.
ANSES final opinion is on the ECHA’s website. More about Oxoviflex® (DEHT trademark of Grupa Azoty ZAK S.A.)