
No risk management measures needed for DEHT, ANSES concludes


The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety (ANSES) has recently confirmed that, based on the available data, DEHT presents no danger or risk for health and the environment. This toxicological analysis has been performed under the REACH PACT- RMOA (Risk Management Options Analysis – Public Activities Communication Tool) in the context of the French Strategy for Endocrine Disruptors (SNPE). ANSES’s conclusion is that DEHT does not require any specific risk management measure under the REACH PACT-RMOA.


“Comprehensive data is crucial to ensure the highest safety standards for the use of any substance” commented ECPI’s manager, Stéphane Content. “ANSES report is a valuable step forward confirming that DEHT can be safely used in flexible PVC and other applications” he added.


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